Understanding the EI Integrity Report

You run the EI Integrity Report (R77015) to find discrepancies between the F06176 table and the F0713 table. This program ensures that the gross earnings and EI contribution amounts are the same in the two tables.

This program summarizes all records for each employee in the F06176 table by tax type CC and compares the results with the amounts in the F0713 table.

If the yearly totals for EI insurable earnings in the F06176 table do not match the gross earnings minus excludables minus in-excess in the F0713 table, the program marks the records. The program then compares the records in the F06176 table with the records in the Pay Check History Tax Ledger - Canadian DB table (F0716) by check control number to locate specific records that do not match. The program then produces the EI Integrity F0716/F06176 Exceptions report (R77015).

The EI Integrity Report produces a second exception report, the EI Integrity Validation report (R77016). This report contains errors if any of the following conditions exist:

  • The amount of insurable earnings is greater than the maximum EI earnings.

  • The tax ID in the F06176 table does not match any of the corporate tax IDs that are set up for the company in the F069086 table.

  • The employee number does not exist in the F060116 table.

  • The company number does not exist in the F069086 table.

  • The maximum EI earnings do not exist for the company.

  • The employee record does not exist in the F0716 table.

  • The amount of insurable earnings or tax does not match the amount in the F0716 table.

In the processing options of the EI Integrity Report program (R77015), you must specify the version of the EI Integrity Validation report (R77016) that you want to run. You use the data selection on the EI Integrity Validation report to select the employees for that report.

The EI Integrity Report reads information from the F06176, F0713, and F0716 tables. It does not update these tables.