Understanding the F06176 Hour Validation Report

You run the F06176 Hour Validation report (R77020) to find and correct discrepancies between the F06176 table and the F0618 table. This program ensures that no discrepancies exist in insurable hours worked for employment insurance.

You can run this program in either verification or update mode. However, you must run the program in verification mode before you can run it in update mode. Running the program in verification mode sets a flag that the program uses when you run it in update mode.

When you run the F06176 Hour Validation program in verification mode, the system compares the number of hours for each employee in table F06176 with those in table F0618. If the totals do not match, the system performs one of the following actions:

  • If no corresponding records exist in the F0618 table, the system prints an error message on the report (No time card control record).

  • If the totals differ, the program updates the YSYST2 field in table F06176 with an H for records whose hours do not match the hours in table F0618.

    The H indicates that the program will correct the problem when you run it in update mode.

The system also produces an exception report. You can use this report to determine the cause of the discrepancy. Before you run the program in update mode, you can manually reset the flag for certain records to prevent the program from updating them. You can reset the flag using the EI Update field in the EI History program (P776176).

When you run the program in update mode, the system locates the discrepancies that it identified in verification mode. For these records, the system adds the accumulated hours from the F0618 table to the F06176 table. This resolves the discrepancy between the tables.

The system also prints the EI Hour Integrity Update Report (R77020U), which displays the changes made to the F06176 table.

Note: The F06176 Hour Validation program (R77020) excludes PDBAs that have a tax type of * (Non-Taxable), CI (Exempt Hours - EI Exempt Hours), or CC (Canada Employ Ins. - employee). PDBAs that are set up with these exemptions are not compared between the Unemployment Insurance History File table and the Employee Transaction History table.