Correcting Tax History Integrity Errors Automatically

After reviewing the Tax History Integrity Report (R077011) and making any manual corrections, you run the report in update mode to update the Summary History table with the corrected information. Errors that are corrected automatically are corrected when you run an integrity report in update mode. For example, you might have entered a new tax ID or corrected an existing one. When you run the report in update mode, the system updates all history records with the new tax ID.

Consult the payroll error code list for information that you might need to correct before running the integrity report in update mode.

You can correct these errors by running the Tax History Integrity Report in update mode after you have made any necessary corrections as instructed for each error on the error code list:

  • 0109 - Invalid Tax ID number.

  • 0112 - Tax ID does not exist.

  • 0113 - Tax ID does not match.

  • 0251 - Work State, County, City mismatch tax area.

  • 0252 - Invalid Statutory Code.

  • 0253 - Invalid Century Field.

Error codes 0251, 0252, and 0253 are for fields in the table only. The information is not visible from any review forms.

To correct errors automatically, set the processing mode to Update in the processing options for the Tax History Integrity report to print the report and update the table.