Understanding Tax History Integrity Error Correction

After you run the Tax History Integrity Report (R077011) in proof mode and review the errors, you must correct these errors so that the quarterly reports and year-end forms are accurate.

Running the integrity report in update mode automatically corrects certain errors, such as an invalid statutory code. To correct other errors, such as an incorrect tax ID, you must manually revise the payroll data before you run the report in update mode. Some entries that appear on the report might not be errors for the data. For example, taxation error 0250 - No Federal Tax Taken might appear for a low-wage earner for whom no federal tax should be withheld.

After you run the Tax History Integrity Report in update mode, you should run it again to produce an error-free report. When the system finds no errors, it generates only the cover page.


If running the Tax History Integrity Report does not generate errors, the review form does not enable you to review information. This form is used only to review and revise errors that are generated by the report.

Back up the Tax History Integrity (Temp) table (F077011) after you run the Tax History Integrity Report in proof mode. The system does not create a backup of this table when you run the integrity report.