
This processing option enables you to specify the DBA code in which the system stores lost and banked leave. When you run the rollover program for an employee whose hours of leave exceed the amount that can be rolled over, the excess hours are either lost completely or banked (saved) to a DBA that you specify. You might want to hold the lost and banked hours in a DBA so that you can refer to those amounts in the future, perhaps if the organization allows managers to grant back to their employees some of the lost hours.

Lost and banked hours are for informational purposes only. The amount in the lost and banked DBA is not included in any calculations during the DBA calculation process or during the rollover process. This DBA is only used to store any excess hours at the time of rollover.

Enter the DBA code for 'Lost/Banked' Leave

Specify the PDBA code that the system uses to store lost or banked leave time.