Paycheck Transparency (Release 9.2 Update)

Select the Paycheck Transparency tab.

Processing Flag

Enter a value from UDC 07/WT that determines whether paycheck transparency is turned on or off during pre-payroll and interim payment processing. It also determines how paycheck transparency processing should be applied to both non-exempt and exempt employees when the feature is turned on. Valid values are:

Blank: Paycheck Transparency off

1: Print for all employees

2: FLSA Non-Exempt, Exempt Status

3: FLSA Non-Exempt, No Status

Source Business Unit

Enter a value from UDC 07/SK to control the business unit from the Timecard Detail (F06116) record that is to be used to determine whether the business unit has been defined as certified. Valid values are:

Blank/Default: Chargeout Business Unit (MCUO)

1: Work Business Unit (MCU)

2: Home Business Unit (HMCU)

Certified Category Code

Enter a value that represents the Business Unit Master (F0006) Category Code (RP01 - RP50) data item that identifies a business unit as certified. Enter a value between RP01 and RP50, such as RP05.

Certified Category Code Value

Enter a value that represents the Business Unit Master (F0006) Category Code (RP01 - RP50) data item that identifies a business unit as certified. Enter a value between RP01 and RP50, such as RP05.

Custom Line Detail Level

Enter a value from UDC 07/DL that determines the level of detail to be shown on Paycheck Transparency custom stub lines. Valid values are:

Blank/Default: Display full detail (hours, rate and gross pay are all shown)

1: Display hours only (rate and gross pay are not shown)

Autopay Weekly Detail

Enter a value from UDC 07/AK to indicate whether the system should report hours for autopay timecards according to the workweeks established in the Pay Period Workweeks program (P059064) using the percentages defined for each workweek. If you set this value to 1, the system allocates and reports the hours for autopay timecards according to the workweeks and percentages indicated. Valid values are:

Blank/Default: Do not allocate and report autopay timecards by workweeks

1: Allocate and report hours for autopay timecards according to the workweeks and percentages indicated.

Note: If autopay timecards are reported by workweeks, the system adjusts the total hours in each workweek by any additional timecards that appear in the workweek according to the autopay method (IIAP) associated with the pay type on those timecards.
Certified Jobs Only

Select this check box to control whether all jobs or only certified jobs are processed when the Paycheck Transparency processing is turned on. If you check this box, the system prints weekly totals for certified jobs only, and if you leave it unchecked, the system prints weekly totals for all jobs.


You can specify a job as certified by entering a 'Y' in the Certified Job (CERT) field on the Business Units Constants Revisions form within the Business Unit Constants program (P059051A).

Additionally, you can specify a job as certified by entering a particular value in one of the Category Code (PR01 - PR50) fields on the Business Unit Master (F0006) record.