Additional Parameters

Select the Additional Parameters tab.

InterCompany Settlements

Enter the code that determines where intercompany settlements are generated. You can enter 1 in this field to specify the intercompany settlements to be generated through the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Payroll system before they are posted to the general ledger. Or you can enter 0 to specify the settlements to be generated through the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system, not the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Payroll system.

If you leave this field blank, the system uses 0.


Enter the code that identifies a specific organization, fund, or other reporting entity. The company code must already exist in the F0010 table and must identify a reporting entity that has a complete balance sheet. At this level, you can have intercompany transactions.

If you enter a value in this field, the system disregards the data selection that you set up for pre-payroll processing, and processes only those timecards for which the company code matches this value.

Note: You can use company 00000 for default values such as dates and automatic accounting instructions (AAIs). You cannot use company 00000 for transaction entries.
Step Progression Automation

Enter the code that specifies whether to process job step progression information during payroll cycle processing or whether to process the information as a standalone feature outside of the payroll cycle. Processing job step progression during the payroll cycle might significantly increase pay cycle processing time.

Note: This field works in conjunction with the Step Progression Process field on the Company Options form. To process job step progression information, you must set the Step Progression History Update field to 1 or 2/ Also, this field is initially populated with the value from the Company Options setup. You can override this value for each payroll ID that you process. However, if you change the value on the Company Options form, the value in the Step Progression Automation field for each payroll ID will not change.

Values are:

Y: Process during payroll processing.

N: Process as a standalone feature. (this is the default).

Bank Account Number

Enter the number of the bank account (general ledger account) to be updated automatically when receipts or disbursements are entered. The bank account number is assumed to be the same for every document in a batch. Therefore, it is not cleared from entry to entry. However, if you do not enter the bank account number, the system retrieves a default bank account number from the F0012 table, item number RB for Accounts Receivable and PB for Accounts Payable.

Auto Deposit Override

Enter the code that specifies whether to override auto-deposits. A Y turns off auto-deposit for all employees in this pre-payroll processing version and prints checks instead of automatic deposit advice slips. This field lets you override auto-deposit instructions in one place instead of changing auto-deposit instructions individually for each employee in the version. Values are:

Y: Yes, override auto-deposit instructions. Use this code for regular payment processing.

N: No, do not override auto-deposit instructions.

P: Override auto-deposit instructions during interim payment processing.

(Release 9.2 Update) R: Pay using the remainder account.

Pay Cycle Code/Type

Enter the UDC (06/PG) that indicates a pay cycle group. If you enter a pay cycle group code here, the system processes only those timecards for which business unit has that pay cycle group assigned in the business unit constants. The type code determines which business unit is used in the selection process.

This field and the accompanying Type field override the DREAM Writer home business unit selection. Employees must first be selected in the DREAM Writer data selection; then, timecards for those employees are selected based on Pay Cycle Group code and type.

Group Plan Override

Enter the code to use the employee level list of DBAs and not to calculate DBAs in the group plan even though the employee may be union. For example, if you enter HR for the Human Resources benefit group plan here, the system uses that value to calculate benefits even though a union group is listed in the employee master.

Calc. Monthly D/B/A's (Y/N) (calculate monthly deductions/benefits/accruals (yes/no))

Enter a value that determines whether the pre-payroll programs calculate benefits and accruals that are based on calendar month amounts (dollars/hours). Values are:

Y: Yes. The pre-payroll programs calculate benefits and accruals that are based on calendar month amounts (dollars/hours).

Blank or N: No. The pre-payroll programs do not calculate benefits and accruals that are based on calendar month amounts (dollars/hours).

Minimum Pay Amount

Enter the lowest amount to be generated as a check, bank advice, or pay slip. The system does not allow zero amount checks if you have specified a minimum check amount. You can leave this field blank. Generally, this value specifies the minimum amount that must be paid to the employee.

Discretionary Tax (Release 9.2 Update)

Select this check box to specify whether the system calculates the additional flat tax type. When checked, the system calculates any additional tax withholding marked with an Additional Flat Tax Type as D - Discretionary, and adds it to the tax withholding if the wages support the addition.

Note: The system calculates the Additional Flat Tax Type A - Add to Tax irrespective of the selection in the check box.