Date/Detail Info

Select the Date/Detail Info tab.


The fields on this tab are automatically populated when you attach a master pay cycle to the payroll ID. If you do not attach a master pay cycle, you can enter the necessary information manually.

If you enter the information manually rather than attaching a master pay cycle, double-check the dates to avoid inadvertently overlapping the previous or subsequent pay cycle.

Std. Hours W (standard hours weekly)

Enter the standard number of hours to be paid employees whose pay frequency is Weekly (W). The number in this field is used during pre-payroll processing when the system calculates autopay. The system uses the hours in this field instead of calculating the hours based upon gross pay divided by the hourly rate. If you leave this field blank, the hours worked are calculated during the generation of timecards.

Std. Hours B (standard hours bi-weekly)

Enter the standard number of hours to be paid employees whose pay frequency is Bi-Weekly (B). The number in this field is used during pre-payroll processing when the system calculates autopay. The system uses the hours in this field instead of calculating the hours based upon gross pay divided by the hourly rate.

Std. Hours S (standard hours semi-monthly)

Enter the standard number of hours to be paid employees whose pay frequency is Semi-Monthly (S). The number in this field is used during pre-payroll processing when the system calculates autopay. The system uses the hours in this field instead of calculating the hours based upon gross pay divided by the hourly rate.

Std. Hours M (standard hours monthly)

Enter the standard number of hours to be paid employees whose pay frequency is Monthly (M). The number in this field is used during pre-payroll processing when the system calculates autopay. The system uses the hours in this field instead of calculating the hours based upon gross pay divided by the hourly rate.

Std. Hours O (standard hours other)

Enter the standard number of hours to be paid employees whose pay frequency is Other (O). The number in this field is used during pre-payroll processing when the system calculates autopay. The system uses the hours in this field instead of calculating the hours based upon gross pay divided by the hourly rate.