Prorated Accruals and Rollovers

The system calculates time accrued and time taken in a pay period in which the employee rollover occurs. You can specify how you want the system to handle this situation by entering a value in the Anniversary Proration Rule field on pay types and DBAs. Time accrued or taken can be rolled over immediately, or it can be counted towards the next anniversary year. The system uses the timecard date associated with the time accrued and taken, along with the proration rule to determine the anniversary year in which the time accrued and taken belongs.

The examples that follow are based on this rollover scenario:

  • The employee's anniversary date is September 26, 2000.

  • The pay period range is September 16, 2003 to September 30, 2003.

  • The employee's rollover date is September 25, 2003.