Reprinting Payments

After you print payments or payment advice slips but before you continue to the next step in payroll cycle processing, you should inspect the payments and advice slips to verify that they printed correctly. If a printer problem, such as a paper jam, prevents one or more payments or advices from printing correctly, you can reprint those specific forms.

Occasionally, you might need to reset the payments before you reprint them. For example, when the payments or advice slips are dated incorrectly, you must reset the payroll ID, change the payment dates in the pre-payroll parameters, and process the payroll cycle again. You might also need to reprint all of the payments, but do not need to reset the payroll cycle. For example, if you print the checks using the wrong check stock, you will need to reprint all of the payments; however, none of the information that the system prints needs to be changed. In this case, you would reset and then rerun the print payments step of the payroll process.

Note: The system does not verify payment numbers to ensure that no duplicates exist because you might be using multiple bank accounts to pay the payments. You must manually verify payment numbers.