Reviewing Payment Distributions

Access the Work With Payment Distribution Review form.

P T (payment type)

Displays the type of payment. Values are:

A: Auto Deposit.

C: Check.

Payment Number

Displays the number of the matching document, such as a receipt, payment, adjustment, or credit. You apply a matching document (DOCM) against an original document (DOC), such as an invoice or voucher.

Bank Acct Number (bank account number)

Displays the employee's unique account number at the financial institution. You can obtain the number from the MICR line of a voided check or a deposit slip from the employee's account. You must include dash cue symbols in the field. However, they are recorded in a translated mode as hyphens. You can also obtain account numbers from other sources, such as passbooks or debit cards.

When transcribing information, left justify and enter only numbers (0 through 9), alphabetic characters (A through Z), and hyphens (-). If fewer than 17 characters are required, leave the unused spaces blank. Spaces that are left within the depositor's account number will be ignored when the paperless entry is prepared. For example, 0123 4 56789 will appear as 0123456789 in the entry record, and 0123-4 56789 will appear as 0123-456789.

If you change this number, the system automatically pre-notes the employee's auto deposit record again.

Sub. Check Control No (subsequent check control number)

Displays the number that identifies the separate auto deposit transactions. This number is for paychecks with multiple auto deposit instructions.

Check Control No (check control number)

Displays the number that is used to group all payroll transactions for each payment or individual interim payment. This number is carried into the accounting journal entries and facilitates the update of the actual check number after payment printing is complete. This number is also used for automatically voiding payments. The payment work table contains both the actual check number and the check control number. All associated payment transactions are automatically reversed using the check control number.

This value is not the actual check number.