State-Specific Records for Tax Type C Exist

If the system does find state-specific records, the system prorates gross, excludable, and excess wages across each state in which the employee works during the pay cycle. The system then calculates the state-specific tax amount by multiplying the appropriate amount of wages by the state-specific rate. If no state-specific record exists for one or more states, the system calculates the tax amount for that state using the Federal rate. The system then totals all of the state tax amounts and updates the Federal tax amount with this total.


The Unemployment Insurance Rate Revisions program (P079221) is the only method you can use to override state unemployment insurance rates. The system ignores state-specific tax type C overrides made at the employee-level or on interim payment tax overrides.

Additionally, the system does not self adjust state unemployment amounts, nor does it retroactively recalculate amounts that were calculated prior to entering the state-specific rates. If you calculated previous tax amounts incorrectly, you must manually correct those amounts using adjustment interim payments.