Summary Payroll Register Report

If you are processing payroll for a large number of employees, you might prefer to use the Summary Payroll Register report (R073013) to review gross-to-net earnings for employees. This report includes only one line per payment.

The Summary Payroll Register report indicates the employees for whom gross-to-net calculations are incorrect and which employees exceeded the maximum net-pay limit that you set. When you set up company options, you can specify whether to make gross-to-net errors soft (which allows you to continue with processing) or hard (which requires that you correct the errors before continuing).

This table describes some of the columns that appear on the Summary Payroll Register report:




The total of all pay types and earnings that an employee receives during the current period.


The benefits that the system calculated for the employees. When you print this report during pre-payroll, it includes all benefits that were calculated in pre-payroll.

Gross Pay

Earnings plus the benefits that the system added to net pay.

The error messages that appear on the Summary Payroll Register report include:

Error Message



Net pay exceeds the maximum pay that is specified in the processing options.


Gross-to-net error.


Both MAX and GTN errors exist.


You should run either a Payroll Register report or a Summary Payroll Register report during pre-payroll to help verify payroll information. You should also run one of these reports after you print payments to review the actual payment numbers.

You can print this report only during a payroll cycle. You cannot print reports from the Report Setup form.