Tasks Related to Voiding Payments

These tasks are related to voiding payments:



Unvoiding a payment

If you inadvertently void a payment that should not be voided, you can select Unvoid a Void from the Form menu on the Payment Review and Void form. Doing so cancels the void. When you unvoid a payment, the system removes the information that is entered in these fields on the Work With Payment History form:

  • IC

  • Void CKCN

  • Void/Reissue Date

Voiding part of a payment

You might need to void, or reverse, a specific amount that represents part of a payment rather than voiding the entire payment. This type of void is called an adjustment. To enter an adjustment, use the Interim Entry form. You cannot use the Void Check window to void a partial payment.

Voiding a payment from a previous year

You might need to void a payment that was processed in a previous year. To process this void, you must run a payroll cycle, using dates from the previous year, that includes interim payments.

Note: You might need to reissue year-end forms for an employee if voiding the payment changes his or her year-end tax information.

Voiding a reconciled payment

To ensure data integrity, the system does not allow you to void a reconciled payment. If you must adjust an employee's payment history after a payment has been reconciled, you can enter an adjustment interim payment.

Voiding a payment that contains a declining balance DBA

When a regular payment is issued that brings a declining balance DBA to zero, and the payment is subsequently voided, the voided payment will add the amount of the DBA back to the balance. The Void function should be completed prior to the next regular check processing so that the regular payment will decrement the balance of the DBA.