Voiding a Payment

After a payment has been processed through a payroll cycle, you might need to void it and issue a replacement payment. For example, during the process of generating the reports for a payroll cycle, you might discover that an employee's pay rate is incorrect. You can finish processing the payroll cycle, and then issue a replacement interim payment for that employee. To correct the employee's payroll history, you can void the payment that you printed for the employee during payroll cycle processing.

When you void a payment, the system reverses all associated transactions in the payroll history, including employee and employer-associated transactions. Because the system reverses all of the transactions that are associated with the payment, it cannot void part of a payment using the void process. To void a partial payment, you must enter a manual adjustment using interim payments.

The check date of the original payment is used as the general ledger date for reversing entries that are associated with the disbursement, such as reversing the credit to cash and tax liabilities. The time entry dates that are associated with the original payment are used as the general ledger dates for reversing entries that are associated with timecards, such as labor distribution. The time entry dates are also used for the work dates on the reversing timecards.

When you void a check, you can reissue (reprint) it. You should select the reissue option only if the replacement check contains exactly the same information as the original check. For example, if an employee fails to receive a check in the mail, or if a check is accidentally destroyed, you can reissue the check. The replacement check will contain the same information as the original check, except that it will have a new date and a new check number.

When you void an automatic deposit, use dates that affect only the current accounting periods and current tax-filing period. You cannot reissue an automatic deposit; instead, you must contact the financial institution and request that the transaction be canceled.

Note: When you void an automatic deposit, the system does not update the automatic deposit tape, nor does it create an accounts receivable entry for the employee.

The system stores the voided payment as an interim payment; therefore, an interim payroll ID must exist before you void the payment. You can use an existing interim payroll ID or you can create a new one. After you void a payment, you must process it during a payroll cycle so that the system updates the reversing entries. The system retrieves the information from the F06156 table when you void a payment.

If necessary, you can simultaneously void multiple payments. However, all of the payments that you void at the same time must be associated with the same country code. For example, if you must void a Canadian payment and a United States payment, you must process them separately. You specify the payments that you want to void by using either the Payment History program (P070601) or the Payment History - Review and Void - Canada program (P770602).

Whether you choose a single payment or multiple payments, the system processes voided payments by using the Void and Reissue Payments UBE program (R0701830).


When you void payments, you cannot process payments that are associated with different countries at the same time. The system uses the first payment that you select when choosing the payments that you want to void to determine the country code. All subsequent payments that you select for inclusion in the void process must be associated with the same country code as the first payment. If you attempt to void payments that are associated with different country codes in a single batch, the system generates an error message.

Additionally, when you select an interim payroll ID to associate with the voided payment, you must select an ID that has the same country code as the associated payments. If the interim ID that you select is associated with a country that is different from the one that is associated with the voided payment, the system generates an error message.