Transferring Voucher Information to the Accounts Payable System

If errors occur during final update when the system creates the journal entries for actual vouchers, the system sends messages to the queue in the employee work center and stores the voucher entries in the F0411Z1 table. After you have reviewed these messages and made any necessary corrections, you must run the Batch Voucher Processor (R04110ZA) to copy the voucher entries to the Accounts Payable Ledger and Account Ledger tables. This program includes a processing option that enables you to automatically post the entries to the Account Balances table.

After you process the final update, you can no longer review pro forma vouchers.


Version ZJDE0002 of the Batch Voucher Processor (R04110ZA) is automatically processed during the journal entries step of the payroll cycle. In this version, processing options one and three on the Process tab in Version ZJDE0002 are blank. Version ZJDE0003 is processed during the final update step of the payroll cycle. Processing options one and three on the Process tab are set with a value of 1 in Version ZJDE0003. Both of these versions are hard-coded and cannot be changed.

Version ZJDE0001 is attached to the Batch Voucher Processing menu. You should review the processing options before you process this program.