Understanding Resetting Payroll Cycle Steps

During payroll-cycle processing, you might encounter errors that require you to rerun a step in the cycle. Depending on where you are in the cycle, you might need to reset a step before you can rerun it. Resetting is a process that restores data to its state before you ran the step.

The user who originates a pre-payroll has authorization to perform a reset. Other users must be authorized to perform a reset. When you set up the system, you can grant up to five users the authority to process the steps in a payroll cycle and to perform a reset.

If you inadvertently include in a payroll cycle an employee who should not get paid in that payroll cycle, you must reset the record for the individual employee. In addition, you must reset the payroll ID when you:

  • Process pre-payroll for the wrong employees.

  • Omit a group of employees who should have been included in pre-payroll processing.

  • Change the setup of a DBA that affects one or more employees in the payroll cycle.

You reset the payment workfile when you need to reprint an entire batch of payments after you have completed the print payments step. For example, you would reset the payment workfile if the payments were lost and not delivered.

When you perform a reset, the system updates the status code for the step in the payroll cycle that is affected by the reset. You can also manually reset status codes when you need to rerun a step that ended abnormally or that has a scheduling lock. A step might end abnormally when a machine or power failure occurs. A scheduling lock occurs when two people attempt to run the step at the same time.

You do not need to perform a reset before rerunning these steps in the payroll cycle:

  • Payroll journal entries.

  • Payroll-cycle reports.