Codes That Are Used to Identify Journal Entries

When the system creates a journal entry for the general ledger, it assigns to the journal entry a document type and a reference number. The document type code is a two-character code that classifies journal entries into one of seven document types:

  • T1: Payroll disbursement

  • T2: Labor distribution and flat burden

  • T3: Actual burden

  • T4: Labor billing distribution

  • T5: Equipment distribution

  • T6: Payroll accruals and deferrals

  • T7: Payroll vouchers

You can create journal entries for these document types using the payroll or time and labor system:


Document Types

Document types for payroll

T1: Payroll disbursement

T2: Payroll labor distribution

T3: Actual burden

T4: Labor billing distribution

T5: Equipment distribution

T6: Payroll accruals and deferrals

T7: Payroll vouchers

Document types for time and labor

T2: Payroll labor distribution

T3: Actual burden (when you calculate monthly benefits)

T4: Labor billing distribution

T5: Equipment distribution

The reference number, composed of journal type and the general ledger date (or another date used on journal entries), further identifies the source of each journal entry within a document type.

The reference number of a journal entry becomes the Reference 2 value in the F0911 table.