Pay Rates

Use these processing options to specify how the system retrieves an employee's pay rates for time entry. You can specify the tables that you want the system to search to retrieve pay rates, and whether you want the system to use the highest pay rate found or the standard pay rate.

1. Pay Rate

Specify the tables that the system searches to retrieve employees' pay rates for time entry. If you are using job step progression, the system always retrieves employee rates for step progression employees from the F069126 table, regardless of how this option is set. Values are:

Blank: Use pay rates from the F060116 table.

E: Include pay rates from the F060146 table.

U: Include pay rates from the F069126 table.

When you select option E, the system first searches the F060146 table. If no rate exists for an employee in this table, the system uses the rate that you entered in the F060116 table.

When you select option U, the system first searches the F069126 table. If an employee does not enter a rate in this table, the system searches for a rate in the F060146 table. If no rate exists for the employee in the F060146 table, the system uses the rate that you entered in the F060116 table.

2. Assign Highest Pay Rate

Specify whether the system uses the standard pay rate or the highest pay rate when it performs the search that you specified in the Pay Rate processing option. If you are using job step progression, you must set this option to use the standard pay rate. Values are:

0: Standard pay rate.

1: Highest pay rate found.

3. Offsite Hourly Rate Source

Specify a value to determine the method used to assign base hourly rates to offsite timecards. Values are:

Blank: Assign base hourly rates from the Employee Master File table (F060116).

1: Assign base hourly rates from the Occupational Pay Rates table (F060146).

If you specify a value of 1, and a rate is not found in the Occupational Pay Rates table (F060146), the base hourly rate is assigned from the Employee Master File table (F060116).

4. Assign Highest Offsite Hourly Rate

Specify a value to determine whether the system assigns the original hourly rate from the selected offsite rate source or searches all of the offsite rate sources to assign the highest hourly rate to an offsite timecard. Values are:

Blank: Assign the hourly rate from the selected offsite rate source.

1: Assign the highest hourly rate off all offsite rate sources.

5. Piece Rate

Specify whether the system uses the employee piece rate or the item piece rate when entering timecards for piece rate employees. Values are:

Blank: Retrieve pay rates from F060116.

E: Retrieve piece rate from F060146.

P: Retrieve piece rate from F06918.

6. Pay Type Multiplier Override

Specify whether the system applies the pay type multiplier when you manually enter a pay rate on a timecard. Values are:

0: Use pay type multiplier.

1: Do not use pay type multiplier.

7. Override Rate Assignment

Specify a value to determine how an override rate is assigned to a timecard. Values are:

Blank: Assign override rate as the final hourly rate.

1: Assign override rate as the base hourly rate.

If you specify a value of 1, the system initially assigns the specified rate to the base hourly rate (BHRT). Then, the system modifies the base hourly rate to include the pay type multiplier and assigns it to the hourly rate (PHRT). Finally, the system applies any shift or uprate amounts on the timecard to the hourly rate and assigns it to the extended hourly rate (SHRT). If you do not specify a value, the system assigns the specified rate to the base hourly rate, hourly rate, and extended hourly rate without making any modifications.