Understanding Distribution Account Fields for Accruals and Clearing

You can enter values in the Business Unit and Subsidiary fields when you create AAI tables. However, if you enter an actual value, that value is used in the account number for all journal entries that are created using that entry in the AAI table. You can enter wildcard values in the Business Unit and Subsidiary fields so that the system creates more detailed account information for certain journal entries. Distribution account fields

This information can help you determine what values to enter in the account number fields when you set up the AAI tables so that the system can automatically derive detailed account information.

  • Business Unit

    Enter *LABOR in the Business Unit field if you want the business unit for all FC journal entries to use the same business unit as the associated labor, even if the employee's home business unit is different.

  • Subsidiary

    Enter *PAY in the Subsidiary field if you want the subsidiary for all CF journal types to be the DBA associated with the journal entry. This feature works for benefits and accrual DBAs only.

    If you are creating intercompany settlements during the payroll cycle, enter *CO in the subsidiary field if you want the company associated with the intercompany settlement to be used as the subsidiary for all IC journal types.

    Note: If you enter a subledger in the AAI table, you must also enter a subledger type.