Understanding Timecard Entry

After you select employees for whom you want to enter time using the time entry filters, you can enter timecards for those employees. Each row in which you enter information in the detail area of a time entry form corresponds to one timecard. The minimum information that is required to create a timecard for a non-autopay employee consists of:

  • Date and Batch

  • Pay

  • Hours

After you have selected the employees for whom you want to enter timecard information, you must select one of these methods for entering timecards:



Per pay period time entry

Use this method to summarize an employee's hours with each row (timecard) that you enter in the detail area of the form.

Daily time entry

Use this method to enter hours for each day of the week on one row of the Daily Time Entry form.

Time sheet group time entry


Use this method to enter timecards for multiple employees on the same form.

You can use all of these time entry methods to track various equipment information, including:

  • Equipment ID number

  • Hours that the employee used the equipment

  • Equipment billing rates

  • Equipment costs and expenses

When you enter timecards, the system updates the F06116 table. After you enter timecards into the system, you might need to override information that is on or associated with the timecards.

In all of the time entry programs, you can enter a comment during the time entry process to save information about the timecard. The system saves this information in the F07630 table. You can remove or edit comments by updating a timecard. When you are working with timecards that have been entered by employees, you cannot override employee and manager comments.


When you enter or review employee timecards, note that the system displays the pay rate on some timecards, but displays the word secured on other timecards. The system determines whether to display the employee's pay rate based on the location from which the pay rate is retrieved. If the system retrieves the pay rate directly from the F060116 table, the timecard displays the employee's pay rate as secured. This action enables you to keep confidential pay rates for specific employees.

If the system retrieves pay rate information from a union or pay rate table, the system displays the actual rate on the timecard. Typically, pay rates are common knowledge for union employees or employees whose pay rate is based solely on their job ID, and thus do not require the same level of confidentiality.

Additionally, if you enter timecards one after another, you can save time and reduce typing errors in the Account Number field by using certain formulas.