What Custom Modifications an Upgrade Preserves and Replaces

If custom modifications are required, follow the rules listed below to ensure a smooth and predictable upgrade. These rules describe which modifications the upgrade process preserves and which modifications the upgrade replaces.

Preserve means during an upgrade the custom modifications are not lost during the automatic and visual merges of the new applications shipped with the upgrade. If there is a direct conflict between your specifications and those in the upgrade, the upgrade process uses yours. When there is no direct conflict between the two, the upgrade process merges the two specifications.

Replace means the upgrade does not merge your custom modifications into the new release. Custom modifications must be redone after the upgrade is completed.

Customization Considerations

If possible, transfer all modifications to one pathcode. Do this only after testing and approving all modifications or if the modifications are only in development. Having only one environment to upgrade significantly shortens the process.

Refer to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Package Management Guide for more information about custom modifications and how they are affected by the upgrade process.