
Payment Date

Enter the date that the system uses to search for accumulated profits and exchange rates. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the date from the first processing option of the Create Payment Control Groups program.

After the payment group has been created, the system uses this date to validate that the check date corresponds to the same month.

Process According to RG

Specify the type of processing to use. Values are:

Blank: RG 726 applies to the payment. The system verifies that the AFIP classification for each supplier, month, and year combination exists in the F76A8011 table.

1: RG 615 applies to the payment. The system verifies that the AFIP classification for each supplier, month, and year combination exists in the F76A8011 table.

2: Neither RG 726 nor RG 615 applies. The system does not verify whether RG726 information exists for suppliers.

3: Enter this value to process payments according to VAT RG 3164 with RG 726

Payment Instrument Due Date

This processing option is no longer used.

Select which date to use in case of deferred payment process

Specify which date type to use as the basis for the due date when you process deferred payments. The system uses the date type that you specify to determine the date to which the system adds the deferred days.

For example, if you enter 1 or leave this processing option blank, the system adds the number of days that you specify in the Enter Draft Check Days form to the payment date to determine the deferred payment due date, or adds one day to the payment date if you set the Add Day to Deferred Payment processing option to do so. If you enter 2 in this processing option, the system adds the number of deferred days to the latest voucher date to determine the deferred payment due date.

Values are:

1 or blank: Payment date. The system uses as the basis date the date that you specify in the Payment Date processing option in the PO - PCG Process – ARG program, or the date in the Pay Through Date processing option in the Create Payment Groups Control program (R04570), if you do not specify a payment date in the PO - PCG Process – ARG program.

2: Latest Voucher Due Date. The system uses as the basis date the latest due date of the vouchers in the payment group. For example, if the payment group includes vouchers with due dates of October 5, October 6, and October 7, the system uses October 7 as the due date.

Note: If you select the Latest Voucher Due Date as the basis date, but the resulting date after adding the days during Write process is prior to the payment date specified in the processing options, the system uses the payment date in the processing option as the due date for the deferred payment. The system uses this logic to prevent you from creating a payment with an expired due date.
Add Day to Deferred Payment

Leave this processing option blank to cause the system to add one day to the basis date. For example, if you selected the Latest Voucher Due Date in the above processing option and the latest voucher due date in the payment group is October 7, then the due date for the deferred payment is October 8.

Enter 1 to prevent the system from adding one day to the basis date.

Note: The system ignores this processing option if you enter a value other than 0 in the Enter Draft Check Days form.
Note: If after date calculations the payment due date and the payment date are identical, the system adds an additional day for the deferred payment regardless of the processing options setup. Legal regulations require that both dates do not match.