Processing SUSS Withholding Reports

You run the S.U.S.S. TXT File - Withholding Information report (R76A4002) to generate the text file to report SUSS withholdings in the format specified by the AFIP. You submit the text file to the AFIP.

When you run the S.U.S.S. TXT File - Withholding Information report, the system performs the following validations:

  • Legal Form Code, Legal Form Version, Legal Tax Code, and Regime Code

  • Company and Supplier Tax ID (CUIT)

  • Original Certificate Number

    The original certificate information is required if the legal document type is credit note or debit note.

When you run the S.U.S.S. TXT File – Withholding Information report (R76A4002), the system writes data to the Text Processor Header (F007101) and Text Process Detail (F007111) tables, and generates the flat file. The flat file includes data from the Withholding Certificates Legal Number - 76A (F76A40) and Withholding Certificates Legal Number History Files - 76A (F76A55) tables.

When you run the S.U.S.S. TXT File - Withholding Information report in the final mode, the system stores the data in the F76A40 table.

If the system generates errors when you run the S.U.S.S. TXT File - Withholding Information report, you can view the errors in the Work Center.

When you run the report in proof or final mode, the system creates a text file for only those records without errors. When you run the report in final mode, the system also updates the F76A40 table and generates the traceability code.

After you submit the SUSS withholdings flat file to the AFIP, the AFIP issues a 25-digit certificate number. Use the Withholding Certificates Legal Number Maintenance - 76A program (P76A001) to import the certificate number.