Understanding Manual Payments for Small Contributors

When you enter manual payments with voucher match in Argentina, you must also enter withholding information. After you select the voucher to pay in the Payment with Voucher Match program (P0413M) and click OK, the system displays the Work with Manual Payments, Withholding Registration form if the localization country code in your user profile is set to AR (Argentina).

You set a processing option to determine whether the system validates whether withholding applies to a small contributor. If you activate the validations, the system reads the setup for small contributors, including the UDC tables, small contributor limits, and whether a record exists for the supplier in the Small Contributors that Exceed the Limit table (F76A405). The system also accesses the records in the F0411 table to accumulate the gross amounts for a 12-month period

If the system determines that VAT and profit withholding apply to the transaction and you do not complete the fields for VAT and profit withholding on the Work with Manual Payments Withholding Registration form, the system issues a warning message when you click OK. You must complete the appropriate fields before the system enables you to save the record by clicking OK.