Understanding Shipment Note Print for Argentina

You can use the Invoice Print program to print shipment notes that include legal numbering and printing formats that comply with General Resolution 1415.

Note: The F4211 table contains the date of the shipment note in the User Reserved Date field (URDT). The F76A4211 table contains the legal number of shipment note in the Shipment Note Legal Number field (SNLN) (Release 9.2 Update).

You can reprint shipment notes.

The total weight and volume of items to be shipped is printed on the shipment note. The units are converted to the units of measurement that are specified in the processing options, which requires that all possible and required conversions be set in the general units of measurement table (UDC 00/UM).

If some of these conversions have not been included in the table, the affected item is printed on the shipment note with asterisks in the weight and volume fields, and the item is not added to the shipment note's total.

During shipment note printing, the system prints an error report if it detects that mandatory parameters, such as legal numbering, are missing.