Understanding the Process for Entering Manual Payments with Voucher Match for Argentina

Entering manual payments with voucher match involves the additional step of entering withholding information.

After you enter the manual payment information and select pay items, the system displays the Withholding Registration Information form. Use this form to enter these amounts:

  • Value-added tax (VAT) withholding.

  • G.I. (gross income) source withholding.

  • G.I. (gross income) destination withholding.

  • Profit withholding.

  • Contract withholding.

  • Sistema Ășnico de seguridad social (SUSS) withholding.

    Note: When you enter the manual payment amount, include the withholding amounts. Enter the withholding amounts as negative amounts.

The system completes the Remark field with the voucher key (document type, document number, and document company).