Understanding the Sales V.A.T. Ledger Program for RG 1361

You can use the Sales V.A.T. Tax Subdiary program to generate a magnetic file to meet the requirements of RG 1361. To generate the Sales V.A.T. Ledger RG 1361 magnetic file, specify 2 in processing option 8 on the Magnetic Support tab.

Transactions must have been posted and reclassified to be included on the report.

When run in proof or final mode, the Sales V.A.T. Tax Subdiary program generates records in the Sales V.A.T. Tape File - ARG (F76A0394) table, and produces a paper report and a magnetic file. You can view any errors that occurred during processing in the Work Center. When you run the Sales V.A.T. Tax Subdiary program in final mode, the program marks the records as having been processed.