Warning or Error Messages for Sales V.A.T. Tax Subdiary

These error messages are warnings, which means that they do not prevent the magnetic file from being generated; they warn the user of problems that occurred during processing.

This is a partial list of possible error messages:

  • Error in the amount of operation.

    The total of the gross amount line does not reconcile with the tax detail. You must verify the sum of the line and determine which amount is in error.

  • Error in taxable amount.

    The taxable amount is incorrect. This amount must be greater than the VAT of the voucher and less than the gross amount. This validation is mandated by AFIP (Administracion Federal de Ingresos Públicos).

  • Difference in the amount of perception.

    The amount calculated by the program for a VAT perception to a non-registered or un-categorized liability does not match the amount calculated by JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software. This error is generally caused by rounding differences due to the formula that AFIP uses.