Update Process for Contractor Service Withholding

When you run the Update process in the Work With Payment Groups program (P04571), the process:

  • Runs the Contract Withholding Certificate program (R760485A).

    See Understanding the Withholding Certificate for Contractor Services.

    The system prints the payment and withholding information for each payment, and for each member of a UTE.

  • Creates withholding document records in these tables:

    • Accounts Payable Ledger (F0411)

    • A/P Tag Ledger Tag File (F760411A)

    • Accounts payable Matching Document Detail (F0414)

    • A/P Payment Detail Tag File (F760414A)

    • Contractor Services Withholding - Payments Done (F76A430)

      The system updates this table with the base and withholding accumulated amounts.

      If withholding does not apply, the program updates the F76A430 table with the payment amount.