Affected Processes Related to Sales Order Processing

This table describes how Tax Transparency regulations affect programs that are used to work with Sales Order Processing in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Localizations for the Brazil system:



Generate Nota Fiscal (R76558B)

The Generate Nota Fiscal program (R76558B) performs these actions:

  • Creates records in these tables:

    • Nota Fiscal Header - Brazil (F7601B). - Field Taxpayer Classification (from the Sales Order) and its tag table file F76B1001.

    • Nota Fiscal Detail - Brazil (F7611B) - Fields CI - Import Content, FCI - Import Content From and EX TIPI (From Sales Order) and its tag table file F76B1010.

  • Calculates the Brazilian taxes for the nota fiscal., including the applicable ICMS taxes according to the origin of the items sold

Reverse/Void Nota Fiscal (R76559B)

Use the Reverse/Void Nota Fiscal - Brazil program (R76559B) to delete outbound, classic or standalone notas fiscais that are not yet printed. When you run the Reverse/Void Nota Fiscal - Brazil report, the system deletes the corresponding records in the following tag table files:

  • Nota Fiscal Header (F76B1001)

  • Nota Fiscal Detail (F76B1010)