Sales Order Header and Detail Information for Brazil

Enter the sales order by using the Sales Order Entry - Header - Brazil (P4210, version ZJDE7002) or the Sales Order Entry - Detail - Brazil (P4210, version ZJDE7001) programs.

The Sales Order Brazilian Additional Information program (P4210BR, form W4210BRL) includes the field Taxpayer Classification Code in the header section that is required when you enter sales orders. This field retrieves the taxpayer type from the Taxpayer Class field in the Address Book Regional Information program with Ship To values. The system uses this information to determine if the sales order prints detailed information about applicable taxes.

See Entering Additional Information for Brazilian Sales Orders

If you work with imported items (as determined by the item origin), the information on Import Content, FCI, and Ex TIPI fields is required. This data is retrieved from the Item Master or the Item Branch program.