
1. Enter the Print Message code (40/PM) associated to the contingency methods in order to complete the Contingency Reason Field:

FS Contingency Reason Code

Enter a value from UDC table 40/PM to specify the standard print message code associated with the FS contingency method. The system requires this value when you change the emission type to any contingency method.

EPEC/DPEC Contingency Reason Code

Enter a value from UDC table 40/PM to specify the standard print message code associated with the EPEC/DPEC contingency method. The system requires this value when you change the emission type to any contingency method.

FS-DA Contingency Reason Code

Enter a value from UDC table 40/PM to specify the standard print message code associated with the FS-DA contingency method. The system requires this value when you change the emission type to any contingency method.

SVC-AN Contingency Reason Code

Enter a value from UDC table 40/PM to specify the standard print message code associated with the SVC-AN contingency method. The system requires this value when you change the emission type to any contingency method.

SVC-RS Contingency Reason Code

Enter a value from UDC table 40/PM to specify the standard print message code associated with the SVC-RS contingency method. The system requires this value when you change the emission type to any contingency method.

Offline NFC-e Contingency Reason Code

Enter a value from UDC table 40/PM to specify the standard print message code associated with the offline NFC-e contingency method. The system requires this value when you change the emission type to any contingency method.

2. Enter the Print Message codes (40/PM) associated to the Unused or Cancelled NF-e legal number in order to complete the Reason Field:

Reason Code for Unused

Enter a value from UDC table 40/PM to specify the standard print message code associated to the unused NFe legal number.

Reason Code for Cancelled

Enter a value from UDC table 40/PM to specify the standard print message code associated to the cancelled NFe legal number.

3. Enter the NF-e Emission Type to be used as default

Enter a valid value from the NF-e Emission Type UDC (76B/ET) table to identify the XML transmission method.

4. Enter the NF-e Status to be used as default

Enter a value from the NF-e Status UDC (76B/ST) table that identifies the default status of the NFe XML file.

If you leave this processing option blank, the system selects all NFe statuses (default).

I: Initial. The status previous to the XML generation.

G: Generated. The status when the company generates the XML file and sends it to SEFAZ (or third party software).

A: Accepted. The status when SEFAZ accepts or approves the NF-e.

E: Error. The status when SEFAZ finds errors in the XML validation.

R: Rejected. The status when SEFAZ denies or rejects the NF-e.

C: Cancelled. The status when the company cancels the operation.

D: DPEC Summary. The status when SEFAZ accepts the summary XML file for DPEC Contingency method.