
1. Contingency NF-e Legal Number

Specify the NFe legal number that the system uses. The system uses this field for contingency flows only. Values are:

Blank: The system uses the normal NFe legal number.

1: The system uses a new legal number to replace the one you are processing.

2. Protocol Number validation

Specify whether the system validates the protocol number. Values are:

Blank: The system validates the NFe protocol number.

1:The system does not validate the NFe protocol number.

3. Time limit to cancel Fiscal Notes after governments acceptance (in hours).

Specify the number of hours after which you can cancel NFes. The government specifies a length of time, and you must enter that time period (in hours) here. If you do not complete the processing option, the process uses 24 hours from the time that you receive the NFe number from the government.