
NORMAL XML Generation

Specify the version of the NF-e Info Generation program that the system uses for normal XML generation. The default value is ZJDE0001.

NORMAL DANF-e Generation

Specify the version of the NF-e Info Generation program that the system uses for normal DANFe generation. The default value is ZJDE0002.

FS Contingency XML Generation

Specify the version of the NF-e Info Generation program that the system uses for normal FS XML generation. The default value is ZJDE0005.

FS Contingency DANF-e Generation

Specify the version of the NF-e Info Generation program that the system uses for normal FS DANFe generation. The default value is ZJDE0006.

DPEC/EPEC Contingency XML Generation

Specify the version of the NF-e Info Generation program that the system uses for normal DPEC/EPEC XML generation. The default value is ZJDE0007, associated to the XML Layout Version 2.00. If you work with version 3.1, you can set version ZJDE0029 as default value.

DPEC/EPEC Contingency DANF-e Generation

Specify the version of the NF-e Info Generation program that the system uses for normal DPEC/EPEC DANFe generation. The default value is ZJDE0008, associated to the XML Layout Version 2.00. If you work with version 3.1, you can set version ZJDE0030 as default value.

FS-DA Contingency XML Generation

Specify the version of the NF-e Info Generation program that the system uses for normal FS-DA XML generation. The default value is ZJDE0009.

FS-DA Contingency DANF-e Generation

Specify the version of the NF-e Info Generation program that the system uses for normal FS-DA DANFe generation. The default value is ZJDE0010.

SVC-AN Contingency XML Generation

Specify the version of the NF-e Info Generation program that the system uses for normal SVC-AN XML generation. The default value is ZJDE0011.

SVC-AN Contingency DANF-e Generation

Specify the version of the NF-e Info Generation program that the system uses for normal SVC-AN DANFe generation. The default value is ZJDE0012.

SVC-RS Contingency XML Generation

Specify the version of the NF-e Info Generation program that the system uses for normal SVC-RS XML generation. The default value is ZJDE0013.

SVC-RS Contingency DANF-e Generation

Specify the version of the NF-e Info Generation program that the system uses for normal SVC-RS DANFe generation. The default value is ZJDE0014.


NFC-e Normal XML Generation

Specify the version of the NF-e Info Generation program that the system uses for normal NFC-e XML generation. The default value is ZJDE0015.

Normal NFC-e DANF-e Generation

Specify the version of the NF-e Info Generation program that the system uses for normal NFC-e DANFe generation. The default value is ZJDE0016.

FS NFC-e Contingency XML Generation

Specify the version of the NF-e Info Generation program that the system uses for normal FS NFC-e XML generation. The default value is ZJDE0017.

FS NFC-e Contingency DANF-e Generation

Specify the version of the NF-e Info Generation program that the system uses for normal FS NFC-e DANFe generation. The default value is ZJDE0018.

FS-DA NFC-e Contingency XML Generation

Specify the version of the NF-e Info Generation program that the system uses for normal FS-DA NFC-e XML generation. The default value is ZJDE0019.

FS-DA NFC-e Contingency DANF-e Generation

Specify the version of the NF-e Info Generation program that the system uses for normal FS-DA NFC-e DANFe generation. The default value is ZJDE0020.

Offline NFC-e Contingency XML Generation

Specify the version of the NF-e Info Generation program that the system uses for normal offline NFC-e contingency XML generation. The default value is ZJDE0021.

Offline NFC-e Contingency DANF-e Generation

Specify the version of the NF-e Info Generation program that the system uses for normal offline NFC-e contingency DANFe generation. The default value is ZJDE0022.

EPEC NFC-e Contingency XML Generation

Specify the version of the NF-e Info Generation program that the system uses for normal EPEC NFC-e contingency XML generation. The default value is ZJDE0037.

EPEC NFC-e Contingency DANF-e Generation

Specify the version of the NF-e Info Generation program that the system uses for normal EPEC NFC-e contingency DANFe generation. The default value is ZJDE0038.

NF-e XML Response Processing batch application (R76B525)

Specify the version of the NF-e XML Response Processing program that the system uses when you automatically process NFe response messages. The default value is ZJDE0001.