Updating NFe Statuses

Access the Work with NF-e Status Log form.

You can select multiple records in the grid and update those records with a single Row selection. When you make a selection from the Row menu, the system displays a dialog box that informs you of the changes you are about to make to the record.

Use selections on the Row menu to complete the following actions:

  • Select Processes, Generate XML to generate the XML file.

  • Select Processes, Generate DANF-e to generate the DANFe report.

  • Select Processes, Cancel NF-e to change the NF-e status to cancelled.

    This selection implies a change in the next status code, depending on the activity rules. The system inserts a new record in NF-e Legal Numbers Unused/Cancelled - Brazil table (F76B22TE).

  • Select Response, Accept, Error, or Reject to access the NF-e Response Information Revision form.

    These selections imply a change in the next status code, depending on the activity rules.

  • Select Contingencies, FS Cont., DPEC/EPEC Cont., FS-DA Cont., SVC-AN Cont., SVC-RS Cont., or Offline NFC-e Contingency to access the NF-e Contingency Status Revision form. There is one row menu for each emission type, except for Normal emission type, because Normal is the usual starting emission type.

    These selections imply a change in the next status code, depending on the activity rules.