Entering a Stand-Alone Nota Fiscal

When you enter inbound and outbound standalone notas fiscais, you use a different version of the same program. Although processing option settings differentiate the versions, many of the forms that appear are the same. After you complete the necessary fields on each form, click OK, and the system automatically brings you to the next form that you need to complete.

You can use the Sao Paulo electronic nota fiscal process to obtain the nota fiscal number. If you use the Sao Paulo electronic nota fiscal process, you must complete these fields on the Outbound Nota Fiscal Header Revision form:

See Working With São Paulo Electronic Notas Fiscais.

Access the Stand Alone Nota Fiscal Header Revision form.

Nota Fiscal Type

Enter a value that exists in the Transaction Type (70/TY) UDC table to specify the type of nota fiscal. The system enables or disable fields on forms, and performs validations based on the value that you enter.

If you select the values BRNFI-NA (National NF-e) or BRNFI-CF (NFC-E End Consumer), the system adds records to the NF-e Header (F76B01TE) and NF-e Status Log (F76B12TE) tables.

  • The values in the Special Handling Code field are used when you automatically process outbound sales transactions.
  • (Release 9.2) The Stand-Alone Nota Fiscal does not support the nota fiscal for services (NFS-e).
Nota Fiscal Model Type

Enter a value that exists in the Nota Fiscal Model Type (76B/MT) UDC table to specify the nota fiscal model type.

NFe Legal Number

The system enables the NFe Legal Number field only when you select BRNFI-NA, BRNFI-CF, BRNFI-SP, or BRNFI-TE as the nota fiscal type.

Specify the electronic nota fiscal number generated by the fiscal authority. For receipt transactions, you enter the number from your supplier's nota fiscal or invoice. For sales transactions, the fiscal authority forwards the nota fiscal number when you process notas fiscais electronically.

Note: The system saves the last six digits that you enter in the Nota Fiscal Legal Number field to the field for the nota fiscal number (data item BNNF) in the F7601B, F7611B, and F76B01TE tables. The system uses the 6-digit number for tax reporting.
Nota Fiscal Number

Enter the 6-character nota fiscal number for a classic (paper) nota fiscal. You complete this field for classical (paper) notas fiscais only.

Note: The system saves the last six digits that you enter in the Nota Fiscal Legal Number field to the field for the nota fiscal number in the F7601B, F7611B, and F76B01TE tables. The system uses the 6-digit number for tax reporting.
Nota Fiscal Series Number

The system enables the Nota Fiscal Series Number field only when you select BRNFI-NA, BRNFI-CF, or BRNFI-TE as the nota fiscal type.

Enter the legal nota fiscal series number for National electronic notas fiscais (NFeNA), end consumer fiscal notes or fiscal notes for the telephone industry (NFTel). For sales transactions, he fiscal authority forwards this number when you process notas fiscais electronically.

For purchase transactions, enter the 2-character legal nota fiscal series number from your supplier's invoice, or leave this field blank to have the system append the text SERIE UNICA to the value that it saves for the nota fiscal legal number that you entered in the Nota Fiscal Legal Number field.

Access Key

The system enables the Access Key field only when you select BRNFI-NA, BRNFI-CF, or BRNFI-SP as the nota fiscal type.

Enter the number provided by the fiscal authority that you use to validate that the nota fiscal legal number is a valid number. The fiscal authority forwards this number when you process notas fiscais electronically. This field accepts the 44-digit key for the national NFe and NFC-e or the 8-digit key for the NFe for São Paulo.

Nota Fiscal Series

Enter the 2-character nota fiscal series number for a classic nota fiscal. You complete this field for classical notas fiscais only.

Note: If you entered a 2-character value in the Series Number field, the system saves that value to the nota fiscal series field (data item BSER) in the F7601B, F7611B, and F76B01TE tables. The system uses the value for tax reporting.