Forms Used to Enter Ship-To Sales Returns and Ship-From Sales Returns

Form Name

Form ID



Sales Order Detail Revisions


Sales Order Processing - Brazil (G76B4211), Sales Return - Ship To

Click Add on the Customer Service Inquiry form.

Access Customer Service Inquiry form

Ship To Nota Fiscal Number


Select Credit Memo from the Form menu on the Sales Order Detail Revisions form.

Enter information from the nota fiscal that the buyer sent with the returned merchandise.

Create Sales Ledger Details


Click OK on Ship To Nota Fiscal Number.

Enter the nota fiscal number from the nota fiscal that accompanied the order when you shipped it to the customer

Nota Fiscal Selection


Select NF Selection from the Form menu on the Create Sales Ledger Details form.

Populate the Create Sales Ledger Details form with data from the original sales nota fiscal

Work With Sales Ledger Inquiry


Select Credit Memo from the Form menu on the Sales Order Detail Revisions form.

Enter the order number the system displayed on the Create Sales Ledger Details form.

S.O. Brazilian Information Header


Click OK on the Sales Order Detail Revisions form.

Verify that header information is correct

S.O. Brazilian Information Detail


Click OK on the S.O. Brazilian Information Header form.

Verify that the detail information is correct

Sales Order Detail Revisions


Sales Order Processing - Brazil (G76B4211), Sales Return - Ship From

Click Add on the Customer Service Inquiry form.

Access the Sales Order Detail Revisions form.

Create Sales Ledger Details


Select Credit Memo from the Form menu on the Sales Order Detail Revisions form.

Enter data about the return including order type, branch/plant, and customer.

Nota Fiscal Selection


Select NF Selection from the Form menu on the Create Sales Ledger Details form.

Populate the Create Sales Ledger Details form with data from the original sales nota fiscal.

Work With Sales Ledger Inquiry


Click OK on the Create Sales Ledger Details form.

Enter the new order number that was previously generated by the system, and select the lines for which you process a return.

Sales Order Detail Revisions


Click Close on the Work with Sales Ledger Inquiry form.

Review the lines you process for return and note the new order number.

S.O. Brazilian Information Header


Click OK on the Sales Order Detail Revisions form.

Verify header information.

S.O. Brazilian Information Detail


Click OK on the S.O. Brazilian Information Header form.

Verify detail information.