Forms Used to Modify Withholding Information for the Sale of Services

Form Name

Form ID



Work with Nota Fiscal Headers


Sales Order Processing - Brazil (G76B4211), Nota Fiscal Inquiry - Header Browse

Review and select existing records.

Nota Fiscal Detail Revision


On the Work with Nota Fiscal Headers form, select a nota fiscal for the sale of services and then select Detail Revisions.

Alternatively, select Sales Order Processing - Brazil (G76B4211), select Nota Fiscal Inquiry - Detail Browse.

Review and select detail lines for a nota fiscal.

Withholding Additional Info


On the Nota Fiscal Detail Revision form, select a line and then select Withholding Additional Info from the Row menu.

Review existing information for all withholding types, and enter or modify withholding information for stand-alone notas fiscais, and for IRPJ, INSS, and ISS withholding.

Withholding Additional Info Revision


On the Withholding Additional Info form, select one of these options from the Form menu:

PIS Add. Info

COFINS Add. Info

CSLL Add. Info

Enter or modify withholding information for the selected withholding type (PIS, COFINS, and CSLL).