
Many blocks require that you complete tasks before you process the records for the block.

  • Before you generate records for block A, set processing options for Fiscal Note - Block A (R76B0530).

  • Before you generate records for block B, block E, or block H, you must run all processes that are related to reporting fiscal books, including the following processes:

    • Enter all transactions.

    • Run the Nota Fiscal Conversion program (R76B200A).

    • Run the Integrity Report (R76B0001).

    • Maintain fiscal books records as necessary.

    • Print and review the fiscal books supplementary reports.

    • Generate and review fiscal books.

  • Before you generate records for block E, set processing options for Fiscal Books Initial Process (R76B570).

  • Before you generate records for block H:

    • Run the As Of Updating program (R41548).

    • Run the Item Ledger - As Of Record Generation program (R41542).

  • Before you generate records for block I:

    • Enter and post all relevant general ledger transactions.

    • Verify that account types and a model business unit are set up and specified in the constants.