Understanding the Extractor Process

Use the Elec Rpt Extractor Process program (P76B0510) to run the UBEs for the blocks and extract data for tax reporting. You can select to run all of the blocks or to run only selected blocks. When you select a block to process, the system selects all of the UBEs for the block, assigns the same job number to all of the UBEs for all of the blocks selected, flags the records as processed, and uses a status code to indicate whether the records are queued for processing (waiting [W], in process [P], done [D], or an error occurred [E]).

The system includes all records for a job number in the flat file. If you run all of the blocks simultaneously, the system will assign the same job number to all blocks and UBEs. If you process blocks and UBEs separately, you must manually assign the job number to subsequent blocks and UBEs as you run them.

Important: The system groups the registers and records for blocks into a flat file based on the job number associated with block 0. If you run blocks separately from block 0, or rerun the UBEs, you must assign the job number from block 0 to the UBEs. Failure to assign the correct job number will result in inaccurate reporting.
Note: The system assigns the batch number to the records when you run the Electronic Reporting Join Blocks Process program (R76B0640), so this field is not populated for new records.

Create a new execution to have the system automatically insert in the grid the blocks and UBEs that were defined in the Electronic Reporting Block Setup program. For example, if you add a record for block B, the system reads the setup for block B in the Electronic Reporting Header Blocks (F76B0530) and Electronic Reporting Detail Blocks (F76B0531) tables and inserts records for each UBE that is set up for block B.

When you run the Elec Rpt Extractor Process program to extract data, the system writes data to the Electronic Reporting - Process Header (F76B05210) and Electronic Reporting Processing Details (F76B05211) tables.