
Before you enter purchase orders, you must:

  • Indicate whether the item was manufactured or purchased to determine the transaction nature default. For Brazil, this information can be stored in an item master category code. Use UDC 76/CN to determine which category code you can use by entering SRP6, SRP7, SRP8, SRP9, or SRP0 for the code NATUR. For example, one data dictionary option for NATUR is SRP6. Data dictionary item SRP6 has values in UDC 41/06, so it is ready for you to use when you enter purchase orders.

  • Verify that you have set up the processing options for P.O. Brazilian Additional Information - Brazil (P4310BR). Select processing options from the Version Setup/Advanced Operations - BRZ menu (G76B31), and then navigate to the Purchase Order Processing - Brazil menu (G76B4311) to enter purchase orders.

  • Verify that the version for P.O. Brazilian Additional Information - Brazil (P4310BR) and the version for Enter Purchase Orders (P4310) are the same. If the versions are different, the P.O. Brazilian Additional Information - Brazil program uses version ZJDE0001.

  • Verify that item master information and item branch/plant information are set up for each of the inventory items.

  • Verify that branch/plant constants are set up for each of the business units or branches (required for only inventory management).

  • Set up order activity rules and order line types.

  • (Optional) Set up default location and printer information for the terminal or user profile.

  • Set up address book records for all suppliers.

  • Set up procurement instructions for each supplier and ship-to address.

  • (Optional) Set up FCI by item supplier associations for purchase orders.