Reporting IPI in Fiscal Books

IPI is a federal tax that applies to domestic or imported manufactured goods. IPI is reported monthly.

Data items BRADEC and BRADCL store the codes that indicate the period for which IPI taxes were calculated. These tables store codes for data item BRADEC or BRADCL:

  • Nota Fiscal - Header (Fiscal Books) table (F76101B).

  • Verification of ICMS/IPI - Statement (F76B102).

  • Verification of ICMS/IPI - Information (F76B103).

  • Verification of ICMS/IPI - Comments (F76B104).

The system writes or reads codes for BRADCE and BRADCL when you run these programs:


System Action

Nota Fiscal Conversion (R76B200A)

Writes code to table

Verification of ICMS/IPI (P76B1002)

Writes code to table

Inbound Nota Fiscal Maintenance (P76B1001)

Outbound Nota Fiscal Maintenance (P76B1001)

Writes code to table

Verification of IPI (R76B4002)

Reads code in table

DIPI Summary and Statements (R76B4006)

Reads code in table

Outbound Registry (R76B4001)

Reads code in table

Inbound Registry (R76B4016)

Note: Program R76B4016 has been renamed to Inbound Registry. It was formerly Inbound Registry São Paulo. Program R76B4000 (Inbound Registry) is obsolete.

Reads code in table