Understanding Fiscal Books for Brazil

Fiscal books are required by the Brazilian government to report information about taxable transactions and the taxes due on those transactions. You print fiscal books on the 10th, 20th, and the last day of the month for ICMS tax and at the end of the month for IPI tax.

The notas fiscais that are generated by the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement systems are automatically converted into the Fiscal Books module. You must manually enter standalone notas fiscais.

A program is provided that populates a nota fiscal header and a nota fiscal detail workfile with data from the nota fiscal header and nota fiscal detail tables. Then you run reports from the workfiles to generate reports that comply with the layout which is defined by the ICMS Ordinance 57/95, and you generate electronic media files according to the layout that is defined by the ICMS Ordinance 57/95 (Sistema Integrado de Informacoes). Additionally, programs are provided that generate supporting reports and programs that submit fiscal book data to the tax authority electronically.

When you generate Fiscal Books, the system prints an opening and closing page. You create the text for opening and closing pages by using the Fiscal Books Next Numbers program (P7602B).

See Setting Up Opening and Closing Terms for Fiscal Books for Brazil.

To maintain the records and generate fiscal books, you must complete these tasks:

  1. Set up the system for Fiscal Books.

  2. Run the Taxes Netting Process program (R76B9011) to update records for PIS and COFINS taxes in the general ledger.

  3. Manually reconcile your general accounts.

    You must manually reconcile your general ledger accounts to determine whether you must send funds to the government for the amounts that you collected for PIS/PASEP and COFINS taxes, or whether you have a credit amount that you can apply to the amounts that are due the following month.

  4. Run the Nota Fiscal Conversion program (R76B200A).

    When you run the Nota Fiscal Conversion program, the system writes information from the Nota Fiscal Header - Brazil (F7601B) and the Nota Fiscal Detail - Brazil (F7611B) tables to the Nota Fiscal - Header (Fiscal Books) table (F76101B) and the Nota Fiscal - Detail (Fiscal Books) table (F76111B).

  5. Run the Integrity Report (R76B0001).

    The Integrity Report process purges records from tables F76101B and F76111B when the record does not exist in both tables.

  6. Maintain fiscal books records as necessary.

  7. Print and review the fiscal books supplementary reports.

  8. Generate and review fiscal books.

  9. Generate the electronic media to submit the fiscal books.