Reports for Brazil

In addition to the reports specified as part of a process in other sections of this implementation guide, these reports exist for Brazil.

Report ID and Report Name




Transaction Journal

Lists and totals all of the journal entries in the Journal Entry Book by company, day, and accounting period. The system prints an ending balance for each page and carries that balance forward to the next page so that each page of the journal can stand alone.

G/L Report - Brazil (G76B09), Transaction Journal


Four Columns Trial Balance

Prints a trial balance report that shows total debits and credits for each account.

G/L Reports - Brazil (G76B09), Four Columns Trial Balance


General Ledger

Lists all transactions by company and general ledger account for a specific accounting period. The report includes all general ledger accounts with a post edit code, even if the amount for the account is zero.

G/L Reports - Brazil (G76B09), General Ledger