Reverse Transactions with Withholding for the Sale of Services

You use the Reverse/Void Nota Fiscal program to reverse a nota fiscal before or after printing the nota fiscal, and before you run the Sales Update - Brazil program (R76B803).

When you run the Reverse/Void Nota Fiscal program for service notas fiscais that include withholding and are not printed, the system deletes the withholding records for the nota fiscal from the Service Nota Fiscal Withholding Amount by Service (F76B428), the Service Nota Fiscal Withholding Amounts by Formula (F76B427) table if the withholding is for IR or INSS, and from the Service Nota Fiscal Wh by Formula Installment table (F76B429) if the withholding is for PIS, COFINS, or CSLL. The system also updates the accumulated amounts in the Service Nota Fiscal Accumulated Withholding table (F76B424) if the company and transaction type is set up to use Withholding Method 2.

If the nota fiscal was printed, the system updates the accumulated amounts in the F76B424 table if Withholding Method 2 is used, but does not delete the withholding records from the F76B427, F76B428, and F76B429 tables because the nota fiscal records must be reported in the fiscal books.

Note: You use a different process to void a nota fiscal after you run the Sales Update - Brazil program. See Working With Returns, Reverses, and Cancellations in Brazil