Enter and Modify Withholding Amounts for Stand-Alone Notas Fiscais

You use the Stand-Alone Nota Fiscal program (P7611B) to enter and modify stand-alone notas fiscais. Because a standalone nota fiscal does not obtain the withholding information from a sales order, you must manually enter the rate, amount, basis, and concept for each withholding type that applies to the nota fiscal on the Withholding Additional Info form.

When you add lines to a stand-alone nota fiscal, the system uses values from the Withholding Concepts Setup table (F76B421) as the default values for the withholding concepts. If you modify an existing record, the system retrieves the existing records from the F76B427, F76B428, and F76B429 tables. When you save new or existing withholding lines, the system saves the modified values to the F76B427, F76B428, and F76B429 tables. The system also saves new or modified amounts for PIS, COFINS, and CSLL to the F76B424 table if the company and transaction is set up to use Withholding Method 2.

You enter a stand-alone nota fiscal for the sale of services using the same steps as you use when you enter a stand-alone nota fiscal for other types of sales. If the transaction nature code that you enter is associated with a sale of a service, then you can access the Withholding Add. Information option using the Row menu of the Nota Fiscal Detail Revision form.

See Entering a Stand-Alone Nota Fiscal.

Note: For stand-alone notas fiscais, you use the Withholding Additional Info form to work with all withholding types. The system does not enable the Withholding Additional Info Revisions form in the SO Withholding Additional Info program (P76B420) when you work in the Stand-Alone Nota Fiscal program.