Setting Up a Job to Extract Data

Access the SPED Job Header Revision form.

  1. Complete these fields, and then click OK.

    • Job Number

    • Job Description

    • Legal Company

    • SPED Book Number

    • Century

    • Fiscal Year

    • Period From

    • Period To

    • File Emission Type

    • Periodicity Detail Level

    • Period Beginning Indicator

    • Taxation Method

    • Quarter Arbitrated

    • Quarter Taxation Method

  2. On the SPED Job Inquiry form, select the job you created in Step 1, and click Select.

    The system displays the block setup from the Block Setup program (P76B0730).

  3. Modify the UBE versions and whether the system shows details or not.

  4. Click OK on the SPED Job Revision form.

    The system displays the SPED Job Inquiry form.

  5. Select Signatories Revision from the Row menu.

    The system displays the SPED Job Signatories Revision form.

  6. Add or revise signatory information, and then click OK.