SPED Job Header Revision Form

Job Number

The system populates this field with the next number. You can change this number. This field must contain a value.

Job Description

(Optional) Enter a description of the job.

Legal Company

Specify the company for which you generate the blocks and registers. The company must be set up in the Legal Company Constants program (P76B010).

SPED Book Number

Enter the book number for which you create the job. The book number must be set up in the Book Type Definition program (P76B935).


Specify the century for which you will generate the records.

Fiscal Year

Specify the year for which you will generate the records. For example, to specify the year 2009, enter 09.

Period From

Indicates the first period for which you will generate records. By default, the system uses a range of period 1 through period 12. You can only modify this information if there is a special indicator associated to the record.

Period To

Indicates the last period for which you will generate records. By default, the system uses a range of period 1 through period 12. You can only modify this information if there is a special indicator associated to the record.

File Emission Type

You use this field to indicate if the FCONT txt file is an original report or a rectification of an already reported file. You select a value from UDC table 76B/WT.

Previous Bookkeeping Number

The system enables this field in the case of rectification type. Otherwise, it is disabled.

Periodicity Detail Level

You use this field to identify if the registers must be informed by year or detailed by quarter. You select a value from UDC table 76B/PL.

Period Beginning Indicator

This field identifies the beginning period indicator, and it is informed in the register 0000. You must select a value from UDC table 76B/PB.

Taxation Method

Indicates if the taxation method is real, arbitrated real, presumed real (quarterly) or arbitrated presumed real (quarterly). You must select a value from UDC table 76B/TM.

Date Processed

This field is disabled. The system populates the last processed date.

Quarter Arbitrated

You select the corresponding check boxes to indicate if each quarter is arbitrated or not.

Quarterly Taxation Method

You specify the taxation method for each quarter. You select values from UDC table 76B/QM.