Ship-To Sales Returns

To process the cancellation of an order after you have run the Update Sales - Brazil program, you must process the cancellation as a sales return. You must consider the price for the merchandise, and the taxes and other fees charged on the original printed nota fiscal when you process the return so that the appropriate reversing entries are made to the financial and inventory systems.

You use the Ship-To sales return process when the company to which you shipped the merchandise returns the merchandise after receiving it into its inventory. The returning company must send a nota fiscal with the returned merchandise.

Brazil requires that a nota fiscal accompany all products that are shipped. If the company to which you shipped the merchandise returns the merchandise after receiving it into its inventory, the company must create a nota fiscal to accompany the return. This type of a return is referred to as a "ship-to" sales return. When you receive the returned merchandise, you must complete these steps in this order:

  1. Use the Sales Return - Ship To program (version ZJDE7003) to enter the information for the nota fiscal into the system, create detail lines for the returned items, and associate the original nota fiscal with the nota fiscal that is sent with the returned merchandise.

    Note: The P4210 program calls the Sales/Purchase Returns - Brazil (P76B805) and Sales Order Brazilian Additional Information - Brazil (P4210BR) programs. These programs enable you to enter either the legal number for a paper nota fiscal or the electronic nota fiscal number for end consumer notas fiscais and national electronic notas fiscais. National electronic notas fiscais are those that are not specific to SaƵ Paulo.
  2. Run the ZJDE7002 version of the Shipment Confirm program (P4205).

  3. Generate the return nota fiscal by running the version of the Generate Nota Fiscal program (R76558B) that you set up for ship-to sales returns.


    Make a note of the value that the system provides for the Order Number field on the Create Sales Ledger Details form. You will use this number later in the return process.

    To complete the ship-to return process, you must ship confirm the order and then generate the nota fiscal.

This table lists some considerations for the ship-to sales return process:



Sales Ledger Inquiry (P42025)

These considerations apply:

  • The Sales Ledger Inquiry program must have a version that matches the version that you use in Sales Order Entry.

    If you use version ZJDE7003 (Sales Return - Ship To) in Sales Order Entry, you must set up version ZJDE7003 in the Sales Ledger Inquiry program.

  • For the Order Type processing option on the Default tab, select the code that represents a nota fiscal batch return.

  • Consider making the range of statuses that is specified by the Status Code - From and Status Code - Thru processing options on the Default tab as wide as possible.

    For example, if you enter 520 for the Status Code - From processing option and enter 999 for the Status Code - To processing option, the system searches over a wide range of notas fiscais when it uses the Sales Ledger Inquiry program.

  • For the Enter Status Code processing option on the Credit Memo tab, enter the next status of the nota fiscal that was sent with the merchandise that is now being returned.

    For example, if 999 is the next status of an order for which the sales update is run, enter 999 for this processing option.

  • You do not need to enter a value for the second processing option on the Credit Memo tab.

  • You do not need to enter values on the Versions tab because the Sales Ledger Inquiry program is called from the Sales Order Entry program.

Sales/Purchase Returns - Brazil (P76B805)

These considerations apply:

  • The Sales/Purchase Returns - Brazil program must have a version that matches the version that you use in Sales Order Entry.

    If you use version ZJDE7003 (Sales Order Entry - Return Order - Ship To) in Sales Order Entry, you must set up version ZJDE7003 in the Sales/Purchase Returns - Brazil program.

  • Consider making the range of statuses that is specified by the Next Status Code - From and Next Status Code - Thru processing options on the Select tab as wide as possible.

    For example, if you enter 520 for the Next Status Code - From processing option and enter 999 for the Next Status Code - To processing option, the system searches over a wide range of notas fiscais when it uses the Sales/Purchase Returns - Brazil program.

Sales Return - Ship To (P4210/ZDJE7003)

These considerations apply:

  • For the Order Type processing option on the Defaults tab, enter the code that represents sales order returns.

  • For the Line Type processing option on the Defaults tab, enter the code that represents a ship-to credit.

  • For the Beginning Status, enter the status that represents Enter Sales Order.

  • For the Sales Ledger Inquiry processing option on the Version tab, enter the version that matches the version of Purchase Order Entry that you are using.